Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Me with the flow of days.... :)

The days have been flowing since i blogged last.

Well... a lots been happening... assessments, assignments.... Some interesting, exciting events were our visit to a Television Station, some Quizzes and other competitions.... the most coolest of them being our College Culturals AGNI!!! Hey...we won a first prize in Dumd C!

All these with the reading of Order of Phoenix! I really felt more upset than Harry, when Sirius had to die. Sirius was the character i admired, pitied and liked so much, next to Hermione.

During AGNI, we were asked to report to a hall called "X-Hall" in the Electrical department (God knows what connection X has with electricals). This hall is a truly amazing hall with thick teak benches that rise steeply up... quite out of ordinary. It gave a really enchanting effect.

Seriously, I have been to a number of colleges or any organisation for that matter... but this hall was cool. It is basically a Presentation Hall. It made me think I was in a Hogwarts classroom or rather.... on the high stands waiting for a Quidditch game!!! Hurrah For the Gryffindors!!!

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